I don't always wash my face before bed. Let me explain...I have been blessed with the wonderful gift of good skin so I don't wear a lot of makeup and I only break out (which for me is one pimple) around the same time as Mother Nature's Monthly Gift. So I don't feel the need to wash my face and waste all that soap. Or maybe I'm just lazy. Either way I usually wake up slightly resembling a racoon and wash my face first thing after I wake up. (I am however deathly afraid of the dentist so I'm an amazing tooth brusher!)

Nothing creeps me out more than ear wax. I'm not even going to share the story about seeing another persons ear wax...built up in the ear...ewww...okay I think you get it. After this horrible experience, I've been slightly obsessed with not having waxy ears which means that my gross at home habit consist of me constantly cleaning out my ears. Weird. I know. Once I even got an ear infection but the doctor said I cleaned it too much and the ear wax couldn't serve its purpose of keeping the germs out. Whoops. Ear wax is still gross.
I am NO housewife. I'm a horrible cook (ask my dad about the time I tried to make mac and cheese) and I hate all chores. I hate cleaning. I hate washing dishes. I hate folding clothes. I hate sweeping. I hate mopping. I hate vacuming. I hate making my bed. I hate dusting. I hate everything related to housework except a maid. I'm sure the ladies of Real Housewives of ATL would agree. (I saw Phaedra shopping a few weeks ago and I think she would agree the most!)
You see...I'm no adult. Adults don't behave this way. I'm in adulthood limbo. I'm living and adult hood facade. I'm not an adult. I'm a....twenty-five.
So tell me...what are some of your bad habits??
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