I definitely have a gym crush. If nothing else its motivation to go to the gym. We've never spoken anything other than "hey! how are you" but its mostly because I turn into a giddy little school girl and laugh awkwardly whenever he looks at me. I never know what to say or do. I have no idea how to flirt. So, like any modern young-fab-free girl, I googled "How to Flirt". I still don't know how to flirt BUT I did get a really good laugh from some of the advice that's out there. I thought I would share...
1. Lower your expectations: So what you're saying is, the cute guy I want to flirt with doesn't want me so I should flirt with someone less attractive? Okay so new standards: breathing. Got it.
2. Flirting is not appropriate everywhere, like at funerals: Thank you Captain Obvious.
3. Use body language to hint at your romantic intentions: All I can think is this....
Creepy much?
4. If you think you look like an idiot just laugh at yourself: I've already been doing that and its not working...
5. Make consistent eye contact: Cue death stare.

that I've already named our 2 children. Check!
7. If the person seems unresponsive they are possibly on the autism spectrum: WTF? No comment.
8. If they say something nerdy say, "You usually hang out at the library don't you": How does this qualify as flirting?
9. Trip, fall into his arms and say "Man, I thought I was falling into a wall because your pecs are so hard": hahaha...actually...that might work...
10. Grab his butt: I guess that would get his attention...
So while I won't be trying these the next time I run into my gym crush...there is someone out there right now that might be and that worries me!!
What are your best (or worst!) flirting tips??