Monday, April 23, 2012

Shopaholics Anonymous

Sometimes I like to shop. Hahaha.

Over the weekend I spent a little QT with my debit card (Suze Orman would be credit cards were used!) and I picked up some awesome things.

As I was browsing the watch case, I said to my friend "I almost bought this awesome Michael Kors watch with a clear band and I'm really regretting the fact that I didn't" and then BEHOLD! A beauty appeared in the case....

It definitely was glowing. Then I looked at the price...I can't even tell you how much of a steal it was because the cops will come get me for the deal that I got. Needless to say it took all of my energy not to wear it right out of the store.

I also made a very educated purchase. Recently, as you may have noticed, I've been spending a lot of extra time reading. I really enjoy it and usually just stick to blogs, magazines, and online articles. Lately, I've had a list of books that I want to read. So I decided that I wanted to get an ereader. I did my research and decided that the Kindle Touch suited my needs the best.

I can't wait to take this thing to the pool, the beach (because I go to the beach that much), in the car...everywhere!

I've decided to try and spend at least one hour a night without the tv or computer just devoted to reading. I'm currently reading "Straight Talk, No Chaser"...A dating self-help book by Steve Harvey and the sequel to "Act Like a Lady, Think Like A Man" (aka the most useful book I have ever read). I also want to read that book "Shades of Grey" that everyone keeps talking about. I'm just going to be a little reading fool. I'm open to all book suggestions!

Hope you guys have a great week!

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